Let's Think about Thinking Ability
Let's improve your thinking ability reasonably.
Let's get good results on work,
on study, on sports, on your life.
This is an application for Android, iOS.
Now, you can read chapter 1 for free.

URL in App Store :
URL in Google Play :
You can download this application and read chapter 1 for free. We think this application is useful for a lot of people even if only chapter 1. This application is not famous. But We think this application is useful for a lot of people. So, We want you to read chapter 1 and judge whether you buy this application or not. You may think "Things like this were probably not useful so far." or "I haven't heard about this application and I can't believe this." or "This application is not good at English.". I understand the feelings. But this application is different from things so far. I want you to try reading when you have some free time.
Android edition was updated.
- The function that you can quit a test was added.
- If you push Home button while you play a test, limit time decreased once. Now, if you push Home button while you play a test, limit time doesn't decrease.
- Rayout was partly out of shape in a tablet-type device once. Now, we modified rayout for tablet-type device.
- There were cases that character size was too big or too small once. Now, we modified character size.
- The function that you can change character size was added. (For example, you can read in big characters in a tablet-type device.)
- Purchase program was upgraded.
--- October 21, 2013 (Mon)---
iOS edition was updated.
- Design was partly changed for iOS7.
<If you have high thinking ability...>
Your life is succession of decisions, for example, which drink you buy, how you tell your boss, which college you take the entrance examination. You always decide and decide, and the each decision is making your life. If you decide well in a important situation, you can lead your life to a good direction. If you always make the best decision, you can lead your life to the best life.
If you want to make a good decision, it is important to think well by yourself. If you decide without thinking or if you can't think well or if you can't decide with your own sense of values, you will probably not decide well.
More about importance of thinking ability
<What is "Let's Think about Thinking Ability">
"Let's Think about Thinking Ability" is an educational application that is useful to fundamentally think about "thinking ability". This application's aim is that you concretely think what thinking is and you understand when and what and how you should think and you improve your thinking ability reasonably.
This application doesn't say like "You must do this in this situation.". This application is not introductions of words or behaviors of famous persons or successful persons. This application is not explanations of critical thinking or logical thinking or creative thinking.
The characters are cute. But the contens are serious. This application is mainly for adults and students. This application may be near a business book.
If you understand how to think well...

<The aim of "Let's Think about Thinking Ability">
"Let's Think about Thinking Ability" has a story that heroes think about thinking essentially from close subjects. This application's aim is that you read heroes' talks and you concretely think what thinking is and you concretely understand when and what and how you should think and you can think better than you could. And this application's aim is also that you can always act according to circumstances and you can always get a good result efficiently by your effort and you can always efficiently improve your abilities, better than you could, on work and study and sports and life and so on.
If you improve your thinking ability, you will be clever, you will become wise, you will get smart.
"Let's Think about Thinking Ability" has 6 chapters. In chapter 1, heroes concretely think about the way to think well and what "clever" is and so on. After chapter 1, heroes think about various subjects on each chapter's theme.
We think, if you can always think on your own better than you could, you can always depend on your own better than you could, you can decrease troubles and worry and so on, you can act by your own will and you can decrease regrets. You have only one life. You have only limited time in your life. We hope that this application makes your life happy.
Note: We are sorry that we are not good at English. But we think this application is probably useful for your life.
you will be clever, wise, smart, brilliant.
That is not just that you have knowledge.

(Screen of iPhone)

<Demonstration Video>
Demonstration Video (iPhone 4s) (YouTube)<Device>
iOS 4.3 or more. iPhone or iPad.
Category : Education, Book
URL in App Store :
Android (Released July 25, 2013)
Android 2.2 or more.
Category : Education
URL in Google Play :
<Range of access to your terminal>
The program of "Let's Think about Thinking Ability" doesn't access to your terminal's individual information.
iOS, Android9.99 USD or equivalent to this.
You can read chapter 1 for free. If you purchase in the application, If you pay 9.99 USD or equivalent to this, you can read all parts. (If you purchase in the application, you can read chapter 2 to chapter 6.)
* If you purchase once, you can read all parts forever. There is no time limit.
* If you purchase once, you can read also other terminals with the same account.
* If you purchase once, even if you uninstall the application and install the application again, you don't need to purchase again.

URL in App Store :
URL in Google Play :
"Let's Think about Thinking Ability"
Instructions Chapters Importance of thinking ability